Using Level Streaming in Multiplayer


I have a very large map that consists of 4 areas

  1. the main island
  2. Inddor areas
  3. starting area
    4 Cave area

Between the areas the player travels via teleporter

I was now planning toseperate these areas via lvl streaming.
To do this, the start area should be in the Presistant lvl.
Then the main island should be in a streaming lvl the indoor areas and the caves in a streaming lvl each.

now i have several problems

First, the loading of the lvl takes so long that the player has fallen through the map until the lvl is gelden.

secondly, the streaming lvl do not seem to work with replication, so the server-side functions do not work.

the third problem concerns the cave area; here (if the player finds a caver entrance) the caves should be spawned in this streaming lvl. Actors are spawned but as far as I know only in the presistent lvl.

is there any tutorial for lvl streaming in multiplayer?

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