Using GoodSky BP to save and get time data

Hello everyone, I am currently having issues on saving and setting the time data for the Goodsky BP that I found in the Unreal Market Place (GOOD SKY in Blueprints - UE Marketplace). I am trying to get the current rotation from the directional light that I am using and saving it through a game instance BP that I made. This data would then be used when transitioning through different levels (since I will be opening levels). The issue is, whenever I try to update the directional light rotation, Good sky does not want to work with the updated directional light and ignores it and forces the directional light at its previous rotation. I have tried to use various methods to solve it, here’s is what I used to test:

Method 1: Setting actor rotation, then attaching the directional light to Good sky and refreshing the sky box

Method 2: Speeding time until it reaches the desire time based on the 12 hour system clock. (Once reached desired time, set length of time to 24)

Method 3: While having the directional light set into Good Sky, simply rotate the directional light upon starting the game

I know this is a year old but did you ever find a solution and do you still have it? I’m running across the same issues with Goodsky.

Also trying to figure this out, any ideas anyone?

Hey folks, did anyone figure this out?