Using Gameplay Attribute System both in Character BP and Player State (Blueprint only)

Hi guys, I am using Gameplay Ability System in my project, I have few doubts.

I have single Ability system in Player state but i also have Ability system in Character state,
I am using both Ability system to do different Task. Player state to hold only attributes that belong to the game. like Primary Attributes: - Strength, Agility, Intelligence, Levels, Experience. where it will exist even if player is destroyed.

And character BP Has the Attributes like Secondary Attributes:- Stamina, MaxStamina, Health, MaxHealth, BaseDamage, Mana, MaxMana.

So, when player state respawns, it can get the Data about Secondary Attribute using Player State “Levels”

Will this approach be problematic? As i have attached Ability system component to player state BP and Character BP

The Reason I am not using GAS only on player state coz I have trouble in accessing Skeleton mesh data when using player state in gameplay Ability BP
when adding some ability (like Combat Montages) As the Player states owns the gameplay Ability system.

I am only using Blueprint for GAS, I am using a simple Plugin called Attribute Blueprint:-