Using FObjectFinder and custom C++ classes

I have a blueprintable class defined in C++ like this

UCLASS( Blueprintable, BlueprintType )
class MYGAME_API UEquipableItem : public UObject

	UPROPERTY( EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, DisplayName = "Item Mesh" )
	UStaticMesh* _pMesh;

In UE5 editor I then create a blueprint, parent it to UEquipableItem and set the mesh variable.
Now I want to access this in C++ via FObjectFinder.

What is the correct syntax for using FObjectFinder here?
I have tried variations of this but no success

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UEquipableItem> ItemSwordContainer( TEXT( "EquipableItem'/Game/Game/Inventory_Items/Sword.Sword'" ) );
	check( ItemSwordContainer.Succeeded() );