Hello so i am using the FGameplayTagQuery as a UPROPERTY() on the ActorComponent “Grabber” which has a pretty basic setup
however when i set the field (click save and compile, but i DO NOT close the blueprint window)

and i run my program everything runs a expected
However if i close the editor window while everything has been saved and compiled
I lose my query

Does anyone know how i can fix that?
This maybe dumb, and i have not experienced this issue, you do click the Save and close button up the top right?
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Yea i did, i found the solution for this problem, seems there was an issue with hot reload, i had to delete the component and re-add it, i found the solutiion here:
[UPROPERTY value keeps resetting on every compile - #16 by arhiDavid](o UPROPERTY value keeps resetting on every compile - #16 by arhiDavid)
PS: how do i mark this as solved?
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You can not mark it solved, but HotReload is really bad, and i advise people to not use it. http://www.hotreloadsucks.com 
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