#BP Node Solution
To answer the original post, the parameter is a misleading name, really this is not a filename, but a directory + a filename filter
so the “filename” is really is FullDirectoryPath/*.EXT
#BP Node For you!
Here’s a BP node that fully encapsulates how you can use this core UE4 functionality with an optional file extension filter!
/** Obtain all files in a provided directory, with optional extension filter. All files are returned if Ext is left blank. Returns false if operation could not occur. */
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category = "VictoryBPLibrary|File IO")
static bool JoyFileIO_GetFiles(TArray<FString>& Files, FString RootFolderFullPath, FString Ext);
bool UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::JoyFileIO_GetFiles(TArray<FString>& Files, FString RootFolderFullPath, FString Ext)
if(RootFolderFullPath.Len() < 1) return false;
IFileManager& FileManager = IFileManager::Get();
if(Ext == "")
Ext = "*.*";
Ext = (Ext.Left(1) == ".") ? "*" + Ext : "*." + Ext;
FString FinalPath = RootFolderFullPath + "/" + Ext;
FileManager.FindFiles(Files, *FinalPath, true, false);
return true;
#File Manager by Ref
I can highly recommend getting the File Manager by reference instead of making a new one via constructor
IFileManager& FileManager = IFileManager::Get();
#Constructing the Final Search Filter
Notice how I combine the root directory with the optional filter of a file extension or wildcard:
FString FinalPath = RootFolderFullPath + "/" + Ext;
FileManager.FindFiles(Files, *FinalPath, true, false);
I do think this parameter should be renamed in FFileManagerGeneric
void FindFiles( TArray& Result, const TCHAR Filename*, bool Files, bool Directories ) override;
void FindFiles( TArray& Result, const TCHAR Filter*, bool Files, bool Directories ) override;
#UE4 API Solution
Or, break up the parameter as I do in my BP node
void FindFiles( TArray<FString>& Result, const TCHAR* Directory, const TCHAR* Extension, bool Files, bool Directories ) override;