Using Extrusion crashes UE 5.5

I recently started a new project in UE 5.5 and hadn’t used geometry tools before, but when I started level building with geometries, UE will crash when I try to extrude anything. It happens without fail and is kind of crippling for productivity. I need help fixing this issue.

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I also have this issue. Crash happens on apply either by extruding in the viewport or in the settings panel and clicking apply.

I should confirm this bug on my system

I also have this issue.

repeatable, I still super early so not much in the game at all but any extrude will result in crash. running 5.5.4 to be specific right now and below is the error that it gives after selecting the face to use the extrude on.

Assertion failed: 0 [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Editor\GeometryMode\Source\GeometryMode\Private\EditorGeometry.cpp] [Line: 400]