Using delegates as function parameters

From the Blueprint Node CreateEvent I receive a Delegate object as output parameter. Now I want to use that delegate as parameter for custom function. However, when defining the paramters for that function, I am not able to select Delegate as parameter type.

How can I use a previously created Delegate object as parameter for a Blueprint function?

You cannot use delegates as function parameters, as delegates are not valid variable types as inputs. However, you can use delegates as inputs to a macro by using the wildcard variable.

Thanks for your quick reply. So you’re right, Macros would work here. Unfortunately in my case Macros are not an option, since I need to bind to an event dispatcher from within the Macro/Function, using the “Bind Event to …” BP node. This node cannot be used in a Macro.

Any ideas how I could work around that problem?

Store a reference to that Object maybe? That way you can bind and unbind to its Event Delegates all you like.

Apparently I cannot do that from within a Macro :frowning:

Why are you trying to Bind to an Event within a Macro?

Store the reference as a Variable that is part of the BP then you can access its Event Delegates within that BP.

I don’t. What I am trying to do is to call the “Bind to …” BP node from within a Macro.
Which apparently is not possible.

i was able to take delegates in blueprint functions,
but oddly enough only when i created them by collapse to function,
not when i set up all inputs by hand

the delegate input param is not listed as option when i set types by hand…

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You can add delegate parameter to function by dragging event pin from event dispatcher and dropping it on the function.


probably you re looking for event dispatchers. check this out Event Dispatchers / Delegates Quick Start Guide | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation.