Using DatasmithCADImporter in cpp project

I want to use the header file “DatasmithSceneGraphBuilder.h”, for which I need to connect the DatasmithCADTranslator module in the build.cs. I connect it as PrivateDependencyModuleNames, as well as DatasmithRuntime. But when assembling, it gives the error "LNK1181 cannot open the input file "…\Plugins\Enterprise\DatasmithCADImporter\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\Development\DatasmithCADTranslator\UnrealEditor-DatasmithCADTranslator.lib " "

Everything is OK with DatasmithRuntime, I can use the headers of this module, but there is no way with the first one at all.

I have connected the plugin inside the project, it is active (true) in my project file with the extension .uproject