Does it make sense to use both at the same time?
Currently i have a character with capsule for collision, but in some specific cases i rather use the mesh itself (i.e. projectile hit).
Is having both the collisions logics on different channels improving performance over just having mesh collisions without capsule, or just makes it worse?
HI Arty McLabin,
It wouldn’t make much difference, depending on the game and its mechanics . . . generally speaking characters would use the capsule for overlaps and the mesh for collision. But if you want to use the capsule for collision as well, if that suites your game, i wouldn’t worry about the overhead of a few capsules, although if its hundreds of characters at once, that is a different story, you will want to minimize processing as much as possible.
Let me know if this was helpful.
hey, it is indeed the case of hundreds of characters. do you think removing the capsules would be better for performance?
Well if they are characters and not pawns the capsule is inherited. I would keep it anyway. Are you experiencing poor performance? If you haven’t already, you should watch the ue4 training streams on youtube for “Blueprint Optimization” and “Optimizing your game” which will help identify problem areas. Also if you plan on Nativizing your blueprints you will likely get a signicant performance improvement which will not be seen until you Build the project.
i prefer to optimize stuff and avoid poor performance rather than waiting for the last second.
didn’t remember that characters inherit capsule, thanks for that. i guess i have no choise now