Using ARKit with 4.18 Preview?

Head here to check out the ARSample project that deploys to both!

Hey there, as mentioned, we’ve changed a few things in the API for both ARKit and ARCore in 4.18. Download the updated ARSample project here to get moving -

Thanks a lot for getting back to me - but I already got the newest ARSample scene - and just to make sure - i’m talking about the Google VR (not ARCore) + ARkit. - simply to test out how positional VR in IOS is workign. Exactly as i understand Modi1 wrote - getting movement/rotation from ARkit - mixed with just dual VR rendering on iphone.
Im trying to test out different AR + VR settings.

  1. Google VR plugin + ARkit plugin enabled + start in AR and start in VR both enabled = Just showing Google VR working.
  2. ARkit + Start in AR + Start in VR = just showing the ARkit working.
  3. ARkit + Google VR + Start in AR = same as 1.

So im basically thinking - is there more settings to control the inputs from ARkit + google VR - for getting transformation + rotation to camera + still rendering stereo camera?

Any help is apprecierede :slight_smile:

how do i access the arkit session, or get arkit anchors now? In 4.18, these things are not accessible in BP’s… :frowning:

expose those features in c++ is how i got around my issues

i packaged this example for android, the app run well but without opening the camera!!
gave me black background , How can i fix that? im using UE 4.18.2
here is a screenshot from mobile…