I’m setting up the controls for a game and I currently have the Xbox One and Steam controllers working but I cant seem to get the PS4 Pad to work in UE4. It shows up as a working controller in windows device manager but it refuses to work inside of the editor. is there any way I can fix this?
Yes there is an way
download DS4Windows from there website … install it
and use GamePad features in Unreal
this is how i did it and it works like an charm
i even got my forcefeedback to life
as in bleuprint set it as Input Gamepad axis etc not motioncontroller
Iam working on an PS4 Blueprint so import for that will be ease to use in future
ps i know that this is an old thread … not sure if you got the solution already
if not then i hope this can help you on youre way
You have to install the “Windows Raw Plugin” in UE4 editor so another XINPUT can be handled.
Through the Edit Menu - Plugins.
To use PS4 controller in UE4, I downloaded InputMapper tool. Here is a tuto: - YouTube