Using a key to interact with an object

Hi, im kinda new in UE4 and I need to do something that may be simple for you but hell for me…
In my game prototype, I have severals ball that spawn and I want to create a function that when I press the key E (or any key in fact its doesnt really matter for now) the ball will ‘fly’ midair to my character and follow him, like hes holding it but withouth the animation (that’ll come later) but i have no idea how to do it… thanks very much

first step

Then probably look for parenting, that’s the key to keep your ball in a position relatvie to your character.

I’m not such a pro to give you precise pros and cons.
Yet a function in the event graph seems like a good idea, for clarity, and because you can call it for other purposes later.

ok thanks for the video! as the second step, should I do it in my even graph on a new function?

yea well… i just need to make it work and its a school prototype project so the only think i need to respect is to be in MaingameMode