Using 3rd person template collision between my characters capsule component and a character class object's capsule causes camera to fall to the floor

My goal is to have two sound sources stay stationary until the player character comes into their area, at that point they begin to follow the player. I got this to work by putting two mono sound sources parented to an object “celloCh” with a parent class: character. I have a OnComponentBeginOverlap (capsule component) triggering an event disp on the object that the sounds are attached to. I’m sure there are better ways to do this, but here is the relevant area on my level blueprint.

On my celloCh I have the collision settings as such


I want it to only interact with the capsule component on my ThirdPersonCharacter. Everything works the way I want but when the overlap starts the camera falls to the floor plane so if I look down I’m seeing below the floor. I’ve told everything to ignore camera collisions. When I hit the ` key in game so I can view my blueprints and view port on my ThirdPersonCHaracter the camera still appears in the viewport where it is supposed to be over the meshes head. I’ve tried everything I can think of, if anyone has any ideas I would be extremely grateful.

I have this exact same problem. An answer to this would be awesome.