I’m currently creating a blend space animation for a creature where only the upper body has to be animated (including pelvis). However, the feet will remain perfectly stationary.
I noticed that when I drag in the animations that the entire body is already shifted. In 3DS Max the feet stay perfectly stationary. But in UE the pose where the character leans left, it’s whole body shifted to the right and when it leans right it’s whole body shifted to the left.
In both Max and UE the root bone is perfectly stationary.
I noticed that it has nothing to do with the blend space. But the entire body is already offset on the imported animations. If anyone has a clue what it might be… Much obliged ^^
Restarting UE4 fixed the issue as mentioned in the previous comment… However, there still seems to be sliding feet in the blend space between the animations.
So I’m back to the original question xD Even tough all the animations have the feet in the exactly same place… it doesn’t seem to think so during blend. I prefer not to fix this by creating IK feet