"User Options" are not translated correctly in the UEFN Editor.

hi @GorosukeSan ,
This was answered by once before
How to set Japanese in UEFN

This seems to be the answer install Japanese

Windows 11

Go into Settings → Time & Language

Click Language and Region

Click Preferred Language

Click Add a Language

In search bar type English United States

Click “Next”

Click tick box for “Set as my Windows Display Language”

Click install

Message about waiting for few minutes for this to install

There is a message to Sign Out to install Japanese

sign back in and you are in Japanese

Try and open UEFN if this works it’s a problem with interpreting Windows 11 Japanese Keyboard drivers, but seems to be fixed below

Now open a new Blank project wait for Shaders to compile and set to Japanese

To change these settings, follow these steps.

In the menu bar of the Editor, click Edit > Editor Preferences. In the Editor Preferences dialog,
In General section Select “Region and Language”

and select “Editor Language” type “Japanese” in the language Everything will display in Japanese. Click ok and close your project

Now this is working

Go into Windows Settings → Time & Language

in Preferred Language search bar type


Click “Next”

Click “set as my Windows Display Language”

Sign out and sign back in as Japanese language

Open UEFN should open project in Japanese

see setting picture in Japanese on an English laptop

This is the way to select Japanese Type “Japa” to select in drop down and select Japanese

The Japanese key board error is found

英語 (米国) - (Keyboard).
Activated input method: 日本語 (日本) - Microsoft IME (TSF IME).

English (US) - (Keyboard).
Activated input method: Japanese (Japan) - Microsoft IME (TSF IME). is invalid
This means you have not loaded the Windows Japanese keyboard drivers are not loaded