User Interface Animation/Parenting

Hey so i made a pretty sweet UI a while ago but now i want to play a slide in animation for the entire thing, unfortunately nothing is parented to something that i can animate to just slide in, if i wrap everything with an overlay it just breaks entirely, any ideas? Thanks in advance!

Whenever it comes to designing/programming/scripting the first priority is to make sure it is working and scalable. In your case, it might work, but not scalable. What if I want to have 60 settings options? or perhaps 100+? Are you going to make one by one like that? Guess it will take forever to edit it.

Here’s some future tips, utilise the child widgets it will makes your work easier and you will have more controls. Let’s say you don’t like certain things, you can add/remove it procedurally or quickly.

For this case, I’m afraid there’s no work around, you will have to wrap it with border or anything that works then animate that parent component.