Used example project_ need to build .exe using my new level?

as the title indicates, I used the sample project “realistic rendering” and deleted everything except the lighting… then imported my own assets and rebuilt the lighting etc etc…

then I resaved it as a new level within that project folder.

and when I select to play as standalone while in the engine… I get what I want, my level…

now that I am ready to build/ cook my own .exe… it somehow only manages to cook the old level from the project…
and even though my level has no living room nor music… when I launch the .exe I find myself back in the living room ?

I am following the path as shown in the output log…

am I missing something or maybe opening the old .exe ?

and after the launch./. it runs my level…

how do I find this ?
I cannot see the physical .exe…

Run: C:\Users\User\Documents\Unreal Projects\RealisticRendering\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\RealisticRendering\Binaries\Win64\RealisticRendering.exe …/…/…/RealisticRendering/RealisticRendering.uproject /Temp/Autosaves/Game/Maps/UEDPCNEWRoom_NOEXT -stdout -

I can find this one… but this one runs the one sample level…

C:\Users\User\Documents\Unreal Projects\RealisticRendering\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\RealisticRendering\Binaries\Win64\RealisticRendering.exe

how do I GO to the physical folder ?
C:\Users\User\Documents\Unreal Projects\RealisticRendering\Saved\StagedBuilds\WindowsNoEditor\RealisticRendering\Binaries\Win64\RealisticRendering.exe …/…/…/RealisticRendering/RealisticRendering.uproject /Temp/Autosaves/Game/Maps/UEDPCNEWRoom_NOEXT -stdout -