Use UMG to extend an FModeToolkit?

I have a custom FModeToolkit, I would like to extend it with UMG (ultimately with Unreal.js, but it should work with Blueprints).

How can I do it?

I try to add a UWidget to this custom FModeToolkit, and to expose it to the Blueprint world:


        // Create the UWidget
	WidgetInstance = CreateWidget<UWidget>(GEditor->GetWorld(), WidgetTemplate);

       // Use it in slate (how??)
	SAssignNew(ToolkitWidget, SBorder)     // ToolkitWidget is an SWidget
		+ SScrollBox::Slot()
			WidgetInstance->TakeWidget() // like this?

       // Expose it to Blueprint, ToolkitWidget is a UProperty of a Blueprintable class:
       BlueprintableClass->ToolkitWidget = WidgetInstance;


UCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType)
class ABlueprintableClass : public AActor
	ABlueprintableClass ();
	UWidget* ToolkitWidget;

But it crashed when I do WidgetInstance->TakeWidget(), WidgetInstance does not seem to be properly instanciated.

The question on

Actually you can use UMG to extend your editor. Unreal.js lets you can do so with Javascript! :slight_smile: GitHub - ncsoft/Unreal.js: Unreal.js: Javascript runtime built for UnrealEngine

UMG generated slate widget needs its parent UMG instance to work properly, but UMG widget can be GC’d at any time to cause a crash. So you should maintain proper reference to those UMG instances not to be GC’d.


Thanks! I’m sorry, I don’t see how to extend the Toolkit with UMG in js… I probably need a reference to my toolkit slate widget on the JS side.