Hey everybody,
I am trying to figure out how to implement a N-Wheeled Vehicle Movement Component. Therefore I would need to customize the existing WheeledVehicleMovementComponent class, but I can’t access the needed headerfiles from game-projects (like Physx Engine), since they are under Engine/Source/Private.
I tried to add the classes in the Engine-Source code, but there I don’t know how to compile it, since I installed UE4 via the Epic Games Launcher. When I hit compile it always says “target up to date”. New Build does the same thing.
But I really would prefer to be able to code inside my game-project. Is there any way to get access to the Phsyx-Headers? The problem is that these headers also include “EnginePrivat.h”, like game projects include “TitleOfGame.h” as the first include.
I really need to get this done. If it is not possible in game-projects, I could also live with doing it in the engine-source, if you could explain to me how to get it running. It always tells me that either the generated.h files are missing or that the file contains inconsistent DLL-Bindings (freely translated from german debugger output). Also a strange thing is that the generated.h from the original WheeledVehicleMovementComponent class also can’t be found when I try to open it, but that seems to be okay for the compiler
Thanks for your help!