Use particles to show XY extent of a mesh

Hey everybody.

I’m really starting to think that particles may be what kills me before I finish this project; I like them but they seem to hate me lol.

What I have is a bomb item in a top-down shooter. When it’s collected by the player (straight overlap) it enables overlaps on a sphere mesh component and increases the scale of it via a timeline / lerp setup. As it grows, it checks every overlap for a tag on the actors and then causes damage if the tag is present. Everything there is working fine but I don’t want it to appear as a dome that blocks the view of the player, so I want to get rid of the current material I’m using and, hopefully, spawn a ring of particles that is either attached to the surface of the sphere using the XY extent at a fixed Z value, or just spawn a radial burst that moves at the same speed as the sphere and I’ll just match the lifetime of the particles for the visual representation.

I’ve gone through the docs, a few ebooks I have and combed through YouTube but haven’t been able to find anything that will work. There are likely other methods out there as well; but these are the 2 of I’ve been trying to get to work and so far haven’t had any luck (as I said, particle systems hate me).

Does anyone have any information on how I could accomplish this type of visual effect?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated.