"Use Pak File" never works on iOS


I’m currently working on my game and I’m trying to conserve as much memory as possible. I’ve found out though, pretty much whenever I enable the setting “Use Pak File” in the packaging settings, the game ALWAYS crashes on startup when downloaded onto my iPhone. When it is disabled, I have no issues running the game.

Both times the game builds just fine, but considering how large Unreal gets, I’m really running out of options on conserving memory (with the option enabled, the game goes all the way down to 88mb, compared to 104mb), which is what I’m looking for since I want it below the 100mb mark for downloading without being connected to wi-fi.

Is there something else I can to do to conserve more memory or a certain way that PAK files are used?

Hey ,

I would suggest reading through the documentation listed below. They’re about reducing the packaged game size as well as how to use pak files. Hopefully you’ll find something that you haven’t already used within your project to utilize.

  • [Documentation: Reducing Packaged Game Size][1]
  • [Documentation: iOS Packaged Game Size][2]
  • [Documentation: Patching][3]
  • [Documentation: Releasing Your Project][4]
  • [Documentation: Packaging Projects][5]

Good luck!

Testing and Optimizing Your Content | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[2]: Optimizing Packaged Game Size for iOS Projects in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[3]: Updating Unreal Engine Projects With Patches After Release | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[4]: Preparing Unreal Engine Projects for Release | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
[5]: Packaging Unreal Engine Projects | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation