Use Left Click to Interact with Environment (First Person)

I’ve not noticed any solid solution to this on here when searching so I figured I’d post this for others after figuring it out.

What this does is it takes the first person camera and runs a trace directly in front of the camera. It is pretty accurate to the crosshairs on the screen. I’ve not found anything that is as accurate as this so it may help those who need it. This is the basic setup for the trace. Any additional functionality for the objects you need to interact with will need to be done. If you need to extend or shorten the range that you’re able to interact with objects in the environment just modify the value located in the multiply after the Get Forward Vector node.

Let me know if it’s helpful! :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing your knowledge! Next time it will be more useful for others if you post them in the forums though. :slight_smile: