Use first person template gun,arms, projectile in a game commercially?

I have created a small game using the first person template.
For now I have decided to keep the original first person gun, arms and projectile because I think the gun+projectile are really great and not enough gamers get to try it (ppl beside Unreal engine users).

I can’t find anything conclusive in the EULA or FAQ about the use of the templates in commercial projects. Is the first person template legally usuable in a packaged game?

Can anyone link me the rules for yes/no?

It is in the Eula.
Though, for stylistic purposes it’s probably better if you don’t. It may also come off as cheap.

" 1. What Technology Epic Is Licensing to You
The Licensed Technology licensed to you under this Agreement includes all Unreal Engine code and related content that is copied to your computer when you install Unreal Engine. This includes Engine Code, Examples, and Starter Content."

" ‘Examples’ means the code, artwork, or other content made available by us in the Samples and Templates folders in the install directory."

c. Use by End Users, Publishers, and Distributors
When you Distribute a Product, you may permit end users to use, reproduce, display and publicly perform the Licensed Technology”


Hey there @Blitzwood! Welcome back to the community! Roken already answered correctly, so I’m just dropping the link to the EULA here with one added bit. You also can’t sell the source assets (ie if you were to sell the hands or gun), which no one would do but it’s a good portion to mention.

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Thank you guys for your quick answers. I’ve been reading the EULA lot of times as I don’t want to break any rules.

I tried to contact Epic and even wrote my question as I filled the Release and Royalty Tracking Guidelines - Unreal Engine form but got no answer.

So if I understand you guys right, I can use the first person template in a game.
The only risk is that it makes the game look cheap/generic but I’m not breaking any Epic rules?

Thank you once again

@SupportiveEntity “can’t sell the source assets” but I can use the hands/gun in a finished product, right?

Yes sir, you’ve got it right!