Use custom depth as mask, console command?

Hello everyone!
I am writing here because I need a little help:
Basically, I’m trying to take a screenshot in-game with blueprint and I know I have to use console command HighResShot but I was wandering if there’s a command for using ‘custom depth as mask’ since I really need this function.
I would gladly use the editor screenshot tool, too bad I need an orthographic view, and for that I need to use a camera actor, right?

Thanks to anyone who could spare a moment to help me. Cheers!

It is possible, I just tried it. The syntax is a little confusing. You just have to specify a lot of parameters. This is from the command console documentation:
ResolutionX(int32)xResolutionY(int32) Or Magnification(float) [CaptureRegionX(int32) CaptureRegionY(int32) CaptureRegionWidth(int32) CaptureRegionHeight(int32) MaskEnabled(int32) DumpBufferVisualizationTargets(int32) CaptureHDR(int32)]

Example: HighResShot 500x500 50 50 120 500 1 1 1

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Made a little tutorial, if that helps:

Hey, thank you so so much, @quality ! it’s easier than i thought

Hi, this was a great help.
But I found an issue.
it worked fine in UE editor.
But When I package the game and run the game and press the button for screen shot, the game crashes with the error image I attached.

Is there any solution for this.
What I actually need my app to render out an image png of my character only without background. Which can be done with custom depth mask feature.

Thanks in advance.

Hi did you got any solution?

Please help me to solve this

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I don’t know why but it doesn’t work for me.
The command: HighResShot 128x128 0 0 128 128 1 0 0 0
shloud give me a 128x128 pixels screenshot, of the whole viewport, with custom depth mask enabled, but the screenshot is normal without custom depth mask