Use custom Camera Rail with Blend with Target?

Hello Guys,
I’ve created a 3D Main Menu, where my Widgets are Spawned as Actors in the Level and the Camera Switches to the different Menus by using the “Set View with target blend” Fuction.

Everything works fine but I was wondering, can I use custom Camera Rails for the Movements?
The Camera just does a linear Movement and I would like to do Custom Rails for it.

Is that possible and if so, how?

Hello! I’ve done something similar like this before. However I ended up not using the blend view and had to use Splines to move a camera across a timeline.

You’ll need to basically make the blend functionality yourself, adjusting the transform of the camera as the timeline continues, and using the spline’s location at certain distances.

Something similar to the above setup but you may also need to change how you want it to rotate when reaching the beginning to the end as well.

You’re able to freely adjust splines and add extra points too if you want a multiple stop point setup.