I’ve been searching about this for quite some time now, and can’t really find any solid answers. I wonder if it’s actually possible to have a custom modeled mesh to use as navmesh for the detour system. I can’t use the tile based generated navmesh for my project since my environment isn’t based on a flat surface (but spherical). I know it should be possible with the original detour/recast code,using some adjustment (NavMeshGraph obstacles on spherical worlds - General - Support Forum), but i’m not sure if this is even possible using UE4 integrated detour/recast system.
I already did a setup using only Blueprints, generating a spherical point grid, and using linecasts to check which point is valid or not. Then doing a neighbour search for each point, and eventually using simple A* point based pathfinding. Which worked…partly, since when I add too many grid points the editor crashes.
So for now the two other approaches I thought of:
-Creating simple point based A* pathfinding using custom mesh, which is most straight forward
-Try plug the custom mesh in Detour, and keep all benefits of the Detour UE4 functions
I rather go for the second if thats even possible, though have no idea where to look or start if so…
Any ideas, or pointers are much appreciated!!
thank you