Hello everyone!
I am using Unreal Engine to model a physical machine. The machine gets different ‘move’-requests, which are implemented with ‘SetWorldLocation’ nodes. I want to check each ‘move’-request if it leads to a collision or not. For this I am using HitResult of ‘SetWorldLocation’ and check if it is empty or not.
However, since I need as much precision as possible, I want to use static mesh as it is as collision mesh. This is only possible using ‘Use Complex Collision as Simple’ in Asset Editor.
When using ‘Use Complex Collision as Simple’ however ‘SetWorldLocation’ doesn’t register any collision (probably because complex collision is not used for dynamic objects). When using ‘Use Simple Collision as Complex’ everything works perfectly, but the Collision Mesh is too unprecise. Simple and complex collision meshes for comparison:
Are there any ways to make Unreal use these complex collision shapes for collision detection, or are there any other ways around, which will allow me to check for collision as precise as possible?
Note: both objects generate HitEvents when hit even with complex collision turned on, but I cannot use Events, since they are ‘fired and forgotten’ and I need to get feedback on request back to my script