Use Blueprint-Interface for composition?


i saw alot of examples how to use BP interface for inheritance, which is a kind of too unflexible for my usecase.
So to simpliy it, i have the following szenario: There is an ItemActor with its ItemData and inside this ItemData, it has a property of the interface typ:

This property shall be usable to call a dynamic blueprint coded behavior, e.g. like a dynamic player triggered action (auto pickup of gold, the explode of a mine, the play of a scary sound… what ever):

The ItemActor is a kind of “DynamicActor” and initialized at runtime using the ItemData:

And thats basically my problem, i basicall need a BP class which just includes implemntation for THIS interface, to create it at this composition place.

Does someone know HowTo do this?

I don’t quite know what’s going on or else I would answer. Sorry!