Use Attach Parent Bound

I found that the option “use Attach Parent Bound” greatly reduces rendering errors on my modular pawn setup.

However, I’d like to know how the bounds are defined for each skeletal mesh?
It does not seem to be related to the physics asset. And I can’t find a way to see or manipulate “the bound”.

Can you point me to the right direction please? I’d like to understand what’s happening :slight_smile:

I’ve been experimenting with this - I’ve had mix results and I’m trying to measure the differences and could use some advice/best practices on that

Also I had an exchange with Zak Parrish on twitter - this may help

me: Use Attach Parent Bound" - im confused at what this does, and when it shouldn’t be used (any why not default?)

Zak: Prevents attached objects from increasing overall bounds. Optimization. Consider object like Sputnik the antenna could be attached without increasing the overall bounds. But it’s not right for every situation.

me: oh… nothing to do with collision? only if i request the bounds of that child mesh and its attached, it will give parents?

Zak: Bounds != Collision. Possible to be collisionless with bounds. Bounds are used mostly for rendering. Culling, shadows, etc.

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