Use a Control Rig on spawned props?

Hi, I want to create smooth movement for a prop place mechanic where the preview prop is continually spawned in front of the player, but it looks very choppy in verse (I think its because it has a 30fps limit) so I wanted to try using a control rig. However, I can’t seem to figure out if its possible to be used with a spawned prop using the spawnprop function inside of verse, since you have to select a referenced actor and I can’t see a way in which you can select a referenced actor that hasn’t spawned yet.
Any help is appreciated!

I guess it should be doable if all your control rig logic is inside the blueprint, I usually split the different elements though

Also what you can do is using Object Pooling, basically instantiate awaiting props in the editor instead of spawning them at runtime, which seem like an easy solution, and which I personally use

Thanks so much for your response!

I’d like to use the ‘object pool’ method as you described, but could you give an example of how I can use it, since I’m unsure how it can be used for my case (especially how it can help me make smooth prop placement, like in a tower defense game)

Thanks in advance!

Another question I have is how I can keep all the control rig logic inside of the blueprint? Currently this is my blueprint and control rig:

This doesn’t work however without referencing an actor as the PropCtrl referenced actor in the control rig component of the BP in the editor after placing it down. Example of what I mean when it does work:

  1. select a referenced actor for the ctrl
  2. move the referenced actor and it interpolates (works)
  3. Now when moving the sphere the towerprop lacks behind a bit and smoothly moves to the spheres posiiton

If you can’t get it working within the blueprint, try splitting the components, there’s plenty of information about object pooling on the web, you’re nearly there, gl !

Thanks! I think I get what you mean with object pooling now lol turns out I was making things way too complicated

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