So, I’m tring to make the default projectile stick only to a certain type of wall (wich is an actor) and for that I thougt about using a bolean and a branch where the wall checks (on overlap with a collision box I placed around it) if it is the projectile and sets the variable to true. Now, I placed a branch in the projectile blueprint that, if true, it stops the movement and if false i is destroyed, but I can’t get to connect the two bolean I created at the wall blueprint at the projectile blueprint as the target for the branch.
I’d have it cast instead of making a bool.
So on object hit – (i guess on the wall’s collision) → Cast To STICKY_PROJECTILE – If True → Stick.
So, this is what I did, and I set up the SurfaceType1 to Sticky but I still don’t know what to do with it (sorry, I startet with UE4 3 months ago). There’s nothing at the StickyWall bluprint. What I was trying to do was, in the wall blueprint, when an actor overlaps it, it sets the boolean Stick to true, and the rest is in the picture. I also tried using the cast to node, but with no succes.
event hit only works if both object’s collision settings are set to block each other. if one or both of them are set to overlap, then it calls an overlap event instead.
so instead of event hit, use an overlap event, and it will give you an actor reference that you can cast to the wall type. or instead of casting, you can check if the actor has a tag, or you can call an interface function on the actor that returns a boolean if the actor is sticky.