USD static mesh exporter not working when accessing UStaticMeshExporterUsdOptions mutable default

Hi, it seems that just accessing the UStaticMeshExporterUSDOptions default object, anywhere in the code, prevents the USD static mesh exporter from working.

UStaticMeshExporterUSDOptions* Options = nullptr;
Options = GetMutableDefault<UStaticMeshExporterUSDOptions>();

I attach a minimal sample to demonstrate this wrong behavior.

Digging into this issue, I noticed that the line

const pxr::SdfFileFormatConstPtr Format = pxr::SdfFileFormat::FindById( FormatId );

in the UnrealUSDWrapper::GetNativeFileFormats() method, called at the UStaticMeshExporterUsd object creation, can’t return a valid Format object at all.

Can’t explain this strange issue, please help me!

Loris (9.2 KB)