Hello everyone,
I’m facing a huge problem and couldn’t find a solution. So I exported my Maya 2022 scene that i’ve been working on lately and it includes meshes, materials and animations and camera animations, as a USD file export and added the animation option ofc, I imported the scene in unreal engine 5 USD stage file/open and then my scene and then i selected a new cash and afterwards i clicked import and added it in a new fokder within unreal content folders, everything works find and added a new level and my USDactor scene is in the outliner, i save all in my level untill i close the software UE and open my level i find nothing, the scene is completely gone despite meshes folders are still in my folder but no scene and also my scene is without textures since i imported everything no texture whatsoever, I don’t know what i did wrong there is no scene and my work is gone!!
Please if anyone knows anything respond me this is urgent!! Thanks
I did a quick test and it worked on my 5.3.0.
I did everything you said, for precision sake: I created an empty new level first, I open the USD in the stage actor in that level, then I clicked import. After the import my stage actor in the world outliner is converted to a “normal” UE actor. Then I saved all and restarted.
- which version of the engine are you using?
- just to be sure: did you reopen the level you saved your USD model into? Your default editor level might not be the one with the USD scene? And UE does not reopen the latest open level.
I’m using unreal engine version 5.2.1, here are some pic samples of the level, my level called “FailMeNot”, and the USD from maya is “AgainEuh” there in the content browser you can see the usd cash and the folder i called “USDActor” inside you can find the meshes which was important each piece by itself i dunno why, but there’s nothing in the scene neither in the outliner, even the level sequence is non existent, i tried to create a new one but there’s no cameras of my original scene to attach to, there’s only the lighting that i created in the level thats it.
Can anyone please providd me with a solution? This problem remained unsolved
I have a similar issue in 5.2 but not in 5.3. Could you try in 5.3?
it worked!! so the problem is with UE version 5.2.1; thank you!!
Did you find a solution for 5.2 I want to avoid using 5.3 cuz my uni doesn’t have it yet
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