USD import auto convex loss


When I set auto convex to a mesh imported via usd stage editor, if I reload I lose the collision i’ve setup but not if it were a box simplyfied.

Need help on this one, I don’t find any answer adressing my problem :frowning:

I am wasting so much time re-editing my auto convex meshes everytime and it will introduce mistake in the long term. Is there any way to make UE to remember?

If you use 5.4, you should use the collision API to set a convex hull on the model you are importing.

If you edit collision with the static mesh editor, those are not saved back in the USD file yet.

I don’t understand what a “good schema” means, is this an option in blender or in unreal?

How would I add this information to the source object model in blender? or how do I designate or set this in blender or unreal engine?

For UE to perform collision import on USD import, it looks into the setup of your prims, especially the use of
“PhysicsCollisionAPI”, “PhysicsMeshCollisionAPI” schemas and physics:approximation and physics:collisionEnabled properties.

I do not know how blender export collision to USD so first you could export a simple model from Blender to human readable usda format and check if those schemas and properties appear in the usda file.

I still don’t understand what the term “schema” means, what is a schema? And also what is a prim?

I searched for the definition of those terms but found nothing.