Trying to export a massive amount of staticMeshActors form a level into other DCCs and I’m finding that with nanite enabled, the geometry exported is the lowest LOD (Despite the LOD export options in the USD settings are 0,0).
If I disable nanite in the staticMesh editor and force unreal to display the baseMesh, I can then export the asset at it’s original baseMesh quality.
I have thousands of staticMeshes and care not to do this individually for each one.
Just wondering if there’s a “force baseMesh” option similar to that of the FBX exporter or if there’s a batch process in which I can disable nanite for all actors on a level via the staticMesh editor
We are aware of that missing functionality and it is in our backlog.
If it is asset in a folder you can select all static meshes > right click > Asset Action > Edit Selection in Property Matrix.
Then you go into the settings on the right NaniteSettings and you disable Nanite.
If you want to apply to all meshes used in your current level, you can try something like that in an Editor Utility Widget
Just wondering if you have a good workflow for exporting nanite to DCC? I currently have the same task, and I find exporting a high res nanite mesh to fbx from my level is extremely slow. Wondering if you found a faster method?