USB webcam comes up as black in media player

I’m trying to connect my live webcam feed to a media player but for some reason it just comes in as black. It works correctly for my laptop’s built in webcam, but not for my usb webcam. Other programs like Zoom work fine with this webcam, but only in unreal does it come in as black. I’m using this webcam here: Here’s a picture of what I see with my USB camera:

And it working correctly with my built in webcam:

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I’m having the same issue with 4.27. My WebCam works fine in 4.26!

Same Issue - was working fine with my Razer Kyio webcam on 4.25 but wont detect it anymore on 4.27 :confused:

I have this issue with DSLR, connected by hdmi to Upmost capture card. Media player is able to read the capture device, video shows up okay on some of my 4.26 projects but not on some others it shows up black. I also tried 4.27, haven’t succeeded.