Usage of C++ USceneComponent added in the editor

Hello there, I have very peculiar problem about using scene componets spawned in the editor.

So, I have a custom scene component like this:

UCLASS(Blueprintable, ClassGroup=(Custom), meta = (BlueprintSpawnableComponent))
class UTestSceneComponent : public USceneComponent
    USplineComponent* SplineComponent;

SplineComponent created with

SplineComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USplineComponent>(TEXT("SplineComponent"));

in constructor. If I add this component to actor in c++, all good, in the editor in actor’s edit view I can see my spline, I can select it and add new points etc. But if I add component in the editor, I don’t see spline anymore, and also can not edit it. I suspect its desired behaviour because of different ways to spawn the component from c++ and from the editor under the hood.

But my question is: I need the way to add few custom components in the editor and still be able to edit their properties. Can somebody suggest the solution?

On my example there is just a spline, but in reality custom scene component is more complicated. Image below for more visibility of the difference


Thanks in advance