US Air Force Aircraft ( UI / input )

(A) Key : Shooting
(E) Key : Missile launcher

Thrust :
(Z) Key : Speed Boost
(S) Key : Reduce Speed
Yaw :
(D) Key : Turn Right
(Q) Key : Turn Left
Pitch :
Mouse Y : Up and Down
Roll :
Mouse X : Turn Left and Right

  • Gravitie : Decline
  • Corrant : is the criterion that determines when the ship begins to decline, for example when you set the minimum value of 200, the ship begins to decline when the value of Corrant reaches less than 200.
  • Speed : Plane acceleration

Is this an actual technical term or jargon or perhaps technobabble? Never seen or heard that before.



It’s a screenshot; any chance we can see how it behaves since this is, you know, a showcase!

Corrant is just an expression is the criterion that determines when the Aircraft begins to decline, for example when you set the minimum value of 200, the ship begins to decline when the value of Corrant reaches less than 200.

Gravity is associated with corrant value ( Aircraft Drop )

Showcase Video :

Playable Demo :