Urgently Required Feature Request

Bezier handles on the reroute nodes. Must… have. Also, we should be able to rotate nodes, not just position them.

I really can’t envision any benefits of rotating nodes. Could you give an example as to why you would want to?

To make blueprint art.

Instead of rotating it, I would prefer to have exec pins top and down too in addition with the existed left/right exec pins.

I suggested that once to have a more circuit board like layout.
However, a downside would be that it defeats the idea of that “left-to-right flow” philosophy.
Although the break pin of the loop nodes already violate that. It would be nice if the break pin could be toggled to be on the left side of the node wherer required…

Ahh, I see… but hey, since we can actually navigate/hold-to-drag-view in the blueprint freely, - instead of just scrolling left to right, - having exec pins up/down is somehow has its right to be there too :slight_smile:

Beside, when you’re programming, you actually doing up-to-bottom flow anyways :smiley:

Thats why the “Sequence” node is one of my favorites :smiley:

Clickbait title is clickbait. This is convenience at best, not even remotely crucial.

Who said that feedback is limited to only cruicial life-or-deth fixes?
Although, the title could have been set up more desciprive…

“Urgently required” - this makes it sound like someone’s life depends on the feature…