URGENT PAID WORK: Looking to hire someone to remotely help me improve performance (i'll do all the work, you just tell me what to do)

Looking for someone to help me increase my performance live via Teamviewer.

Everything was running great and then it just randomly tanked.

I’d really like someone to spend a few hours with me, walk through the profiling stuff, tell me what to change/do to get my FPS back.

I was hitting 90, now i’m down to 18 and I don’t have an explanation.

Live stream is next Sunday :confused: :frowning:

Please respond if you are VERY PROFICIENT with performance.

  • Fix your Errors/Warnings if possible. Logging can impact your game more than you might think especially if it logs large amounts of messages frequently.
  • Alternatively package the game using a shipping build rather than playing in the editor to eliminate two causes of potential performance issues: slower code in debug/development builds and/or editor only code running at the same time
  • Use the profiler since your tick time(s) seem quite high (Average and InclusiveMax). There may be obvious functions that cost a lot of performance. Profiler Tool Reference | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation
  • If you have Version Control, try going back to a previous version an compare the differences
  • Good luck

It was the minimap from Marketplace causing it.

Dude coded everything on tick. ugh.

Added timers instead, FPS back through the roof.

Still interested in hiring someone though!

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