[URGENT/PAID] Need someone to attach MetaHuman head to body

I used LiveLink to record a facial animation and then imported it through the capture manager. Separately, I have a body animation (I did mocap with WonderStudio and then retargeted to the metahuman skeleton).

No matter what I do, I cannot get the head to stick to the body (pic). I’ve tried all of these tutorials, as well as every method mentioned in their comments sections:

MetaHuman Animator Tutorial | Unreal Engine 5 - which mentions Blend masks and disabling of post process blueprints

Metahuman Animator Floating Head Fix | (Part 2 of this as well, which is a different method) - which mentions changing the animation modes

Unreal Engine 5 Head Reattachment Tutorial | Metahuman Animator - This one got me the closest by setting the Curve Blend Option in FaceAnim_BP (under the “layered blend per bone” node) to “Normalize by Weight”, but doing so removes all neck animation, and also removes maybe 50% of the animation strength in the face, thus not being a solution

I’ve also searched Reddit and here, to no avail.

I am looking to pay someone to download my project file and get this working for me, both attaching the face animation to the body animation in the sequencer and while also maintaining the movement in the head/neck as seen in the [first tutorial I linked]. Message me and we can discuss a suitable rate.

Did you have any luck?