I need urgent help on why UE4 fail to package my project. I had no problem with cooking my project in 4.10. I normally find the problems with packaging alone but this time its something I cannot find or understand. I have deadline very soon and I think I did wrong with my decision to update my project to 4.11 for the better quality of lightmass baking(its much better).
I tried to package a blank project, it works flawlessly. I attached the logs after my cooking failed.
Hello NasteX,
The only error I see is the one:
Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++UE4+Release-4.11\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Map.h] [Line: 520]
From searching around for other instances of that error being reported, it seems linked to working with TMaps. Do you have any TMaps in your code? If so, can you check them or maybe try commenting them out along with their references to see if they are causing the problem?
Other than that, it seems like there are some blank error messages too which may be the result of missing the debugging symbols in your installation. If your engine was installed from the Epic Games Launcher, can you check to ensure that you have your debug symbols installed? This option can be found under the Library tab of the launcher and then under “Options” from the dropdown beside the engine version of your choice.
Hmm, what exactly is TMap? And yes, I didnt have the debug symbols installed. I will report after I installed them if packaging is successful(just for test). Thank you for the fast answer.
If you don’t know what a TMap is, that most likely isn’t the problem. The debugging symbols most likely won’t fix anything (unless you were trying to package for Development, in which it may) but they should give more information in your logs. After they’re installed and you have a chance to try cooking and/or packaging again, please reupload the logs.
Yes, it wasnt successful, I am packaging in shipping mode… Here are the new logs. link text
Unfortunately that didn’t change anything. The TMap issue is still the only one present.
Do you still have a copy of the 4.10 version of the project? If so, how did you go about converting to 4.11 previously? Did you simply convert it by either right-clicking the .uproject file and selecting “Switch Engine Version…” or by opening it with the new editor? If so, could you try doing it via migration instead?
This’ll involve creating a new project in 4.11 and migrating the content using the in-editor migration tools. You can migrate content by right-clicking the assets, or folders, to migrate them to a new project with their references intact. This usually avoids most issues caused by conversion which could be the problem here.
Something else to try would be to delete your DerivedDataCache, Intermediates and/or Saved folders and attempt again. This data not being refreshed could be causing a problem, especially with a converted project.
Yes I have a 4.10 backup. The converting was by launching the 4.11 version of UE4 (from the launcher) and then I picked the 4.10 version of the project and then “Open as copy”.
edit: It didnt work with both deleting the folders and migrating.
Do you have any other ideas on what could the problem be?
Well I completely overlooked a message in the log that I honestly should’ve seen.
WARNING: Visual C++ 2015 toolchain does not appear to be correctly installed. Please verify that “Common Tools for Visual C++ 2015” was selected when installing Visual Studio 2015.
This means that there are some missing things in your Visual Studio 2015 installation. Navigate to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 and hit Change. The setup window for VS2015 should show up. If it offers an update, just select Skip. When given the option, select “Modify” and you’ll be given a list of modules to install. Find the one that says “Visual C++” which should be near the top of the list under Programming Languages. Check that box and then hit Next. After it downloads what it needs to, you should be good to go. If it fails again, it should be for a different reason so a new set of logs would be useful.
Absolutely no problem, it happens to everyone. Unfortunately that didn’t change anything with the packaging. The same error is still persisting. Here are the new logs. link text
link text
Hm, usually these wouldn’t cause the build to fail but would cause irregularities in the final product. There are a few load errors of missing assets that are still being referred to. Here is an example:
[2016.04.27-14.41.49:569][ 0]LoadErrors: Info Failed to load /Game/VRInvisoContent/ShowRoom/Textures/UILinesTest.UILinesTest Referenced by MaterialExpressionTextureSample_0
There a few of these listed in the log. Can you check to see if those assets exist and if not, remove their references?
Thank you for trying that. Unofrtunately the logs are missing some possibly vital information. This may be due to having a Norwegian version of windows (I’m assuming from the “LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastError: Operasjonen er utført. (0)” line). There are multiple error messages that are being left blank.
Would it be possible to get a copy of the project so that I can try running it to see if the errors appear for me? If so, it would be best to upload it to a third party file hosting site and send the link to the download via a private message on our [forums][1].
Thank you for sending me a copy of the project, NasteX. I’ll be honest and say that I’m not sure why exactly this fixed the problem but I found out how to package successfully with your project. Open the Project Settings and find the “List of maps to include in a packaged build” option and press the + button to add an entry. In your case, you’ll need to add 4 as it seems you have 4 maps. After doing this, add the maps from your content folder to this list. Once this is done, the packaging process should succeed without a problem.
Ah, also, the error messages weren’t showing up for me either so I’ll need to continue to look into the cause for that, but that is a separate issue.
Yes! It succeeded, thank you very much for the help, I appreciate it.
I’m having the same problem, but adding my single map to the list didn’t fix anything. I’ve removed the Intermediate/Build/Saved/Binaries multiple times as well with no luck. I still get an “Unknown Cook Failure” and a mention of "Assertion failed: Pair != nullptr " with a D:\ address my computer does not have.
The only thing that I’ve done different from all of the other UE4 projects was try to use the Unreal first-person gun model in my work. I have since removed it, but my project has never compiled since then. I’ve even tried to migrate all of the content into a new 4.11 project and even then it failed to build with the same error. I’m flat out of ideas and leads on this.
Hello ,
Could you post the logs from your failed packaging attempt? There may be some more information that could help diagnose the problem. It seems that this error doesn’t have a single fix and may be a symptom of other issues, as I’ve had another user who has this same error message but had to do something completely different to fix it.
Wow 's fix worked for me as well! " Open the Project Settings and find the “List of maps to include in a packaged build” option and press the + button to add an entry. In your case, you’ll need to add 4 as it seems you have 4 maps"
Unreal should really make this menu more evident. In Unity the packaged levels dialog is part of the build packaging menu.