[URGENT] Move two characters at the same time

If someone could help me it would be very appreciated, and fast cause this is for the game jam, so one of the mechanics of my game is the player can control the main character and a clone at the same time, how would I do that? Thanks for your time :))

For that you just need a reference to another character and then you can call the same function. So lets say you have space for jump, on the character that player controller is attached to you will have the space input event and a jump function that is triggered and then you can reference your other character and execute the same jump function to the other character.

Thanks for replying, what do you mean by reference, also how would I spawn the character since only what player character spawn works at a time, thanks!

When you spawn an actor in the world he becomes an instance of a class and you can save the reference of a character instance as a variable in the main character. The controller can be AI controller or you can just spawn the character and not possess it. UE4 creating actor references - Blueprint communication, 4 different approaches inside of Unreal - YouTube