URGENT! I really need help setting up Steam Achievements

I am trying to release a game pretty soon and I am getting stumped with setting up the steam achievements. I have followed these instructions to the letter:


But it didn’t work. It should be mentioned that I am extending my playercontroller from PlayerController rather than UTPlayerController (since extending from UT breaks my game), but I think I have copied all the relevant code into my own player controller.
So far, I have done the following:


var Class<UTAchievementsBase> AchievementHandlerClass; // Class used for handling achievements
var transient UTAchievementsBase AchievementHandler; // Object which handles achievement tracking/updates

 * Initializes the object responsible for handling/tracking achievements
function InitAchievementHandler()
	if (AchievementHandler != none)

	AchievementHandler = new(self) AchievementHandlerClass;

	if (AchievementHandler != none)

 * Unlocks the achievement on the client (can only be done clientside)
 * @param AchievementId		The achievement to update (and possibly unlock)
reliable client function ClientUpdateAchievement(int AchievementId, optional int Count=1)
	// Spectators don't get any
	//if (PlayerReplicationInfo.bOnlySpectator)
	//	return;

	if (AchievementHandler == none)

	if (AchievementHandler != none)
		AchievementHandler.UpdateAchievement(AchievementId, Count);

simulated event Destroyed()
    if (AchievementHandler != none)
		AchievementHandler = none;


into my player controller class.

I also made sure to update the following in UTAchievements:

Class UTAchievements extends UTAchievementsBase within PlayerController; 

instead of

Class UTAchievements extends UTAchievementsBase within UTPlayerController; 

When playing the game like that, it seems it finds everything just fine, but when I go through the entire steam process and try to call ClientUpdateAchievement there, nothing happens.

Okay, I feel really stupid right now.

I solved the issue. The problem was that the PostBeginPlay in my PlayerController class didn’t have a Super.PostBeginPlay() in it, resulting in the OnlineSubsystem object never being created. Which in turn made it impossible to communicate with Steam. So yeah, fixed it.

I’m glad to know there are other UDK devs working on Steam integration, as I will be working on this stuff very shortly :slight_smile:

same :slight_smile:

a question about this: for which of these features do you need a steam appID, and which not?
I would like to start implementing these things earlier than what I think I’d get the appID