Hello! I have a problem and I don’t know how to do, I’m very tired of trying.
I go to Settings → Project Settings → Plataforms → Android and click in “Accept SDK License”, after click on “agree”, but nothing happens…
When I try to compile the project always the console says “you need to accept SDK license” but I accepted it! so I don’t understand…
Check that the NVPACK/android-sdk-windows/licenses directory contains an “android-sdk-license” file after you clicked on “agree”. If not, make sure it contains these lines:
Hi guys. I’m having the same problem and can’t figure out what to do.
Chris, is it possible for you to assume I’m a 36 year old maths teacher who’s been asked to work with Unreal, and give me more detailed instructions?
where would “android-sdk-license” be?
I’ve looked in the project folder, the unreal folder and the android studio folder.
I’m sure I’m doing something dumb, but I can’t figure it out…
I am also very dumb in unreal, that’s why I can understand it feels very messy. I didn’t get your problem but my suggestion is go through unreal engine documentation in detail. To get started with the android you have to be very carefull with all the nvidia stuffs, cause there are lots of versions for different engine version. So, fix your engine version first, then download the correct NVPACK which mentions that works with your unreal engine version. Follow the unreal engine documentation.
Go step by step. Dont rush. Few days ago I felt the same. Goodluck.