Urgent - Crash when align components

Hi everyone,
I’m opening a new discussion because I’m desperate. I read all the the old discussions about similar issues without solving anything.

I have a project of around 3800 images (I’m just using jpegs); it’s an architectural survey of a very complex underground space. Well RC quickly align the images in different components, like 60. Then I used to place the control points on the targets placed in the site, align again and again until I have just few components, less then 10. This is the moment when the something goes wrong: I do the last alignment and after 4 or 5 minutes RC crashes and generates the dump file.

I tried almost everything: reset of the software, clean install, uninstall, delete cache, start a new project, check the ram, change frequency and timing, create a bigger paging file, EVERYTHING. No results.

I did the same calculation with Metashape; there goes well and the software matches all the images with no issue, but the geometry it is not clean as RC, so I need to have the model from RC.

To complete the info, this is my pc configuration:

  • AMD Ryzen 9 5950x
  • 128 GB Ram 3600 hz
  • RTX 3090 TI
  • 2TB SSD as working disk with almost 1TB free

Many thanks to those who can save my life and mental health

RealityCaptureCrash_9057_62103-667_1_4_1_117424_RC.dmp (631.0 KB)

Hello @Borbis92
this is quite strange.
What are your alignment settings? Do you have all your components in the project or did you delete the obsolete components? Regarding the control point, are there big errors or do you see the red triangles in 1Ds view?
Are the images georeferenced (I know you mentioned underground, but some cameras have this functionality).

If you had 60 components, how many images were in those? How many targets do you have in the project?

How you provided the reset of the application? Have you used -reset all CLI command?

Hello @OndrejTrhan , thanks for your answer.
The alignment settings are standard, I also tried with the 3 differents overlap presets and nothing has changed. The components are all in the same projects and I deleted the old components alignment by alignment. No big errors in the control points, max around 20 px just in the points with clear issues where I need to align again.
The images are not georeferenced; at the last step the main component has around 3500 images and the others are divided in around 10 components.
Targets around 150.

And yes I tried all.

What it’s crazy is that right now, I mean like 15 minutes ago, I tried to calculate the same alignment on my old notebook, just 32gb of RAM and i7 of 5 years ago and slowly it worked.

So what’s the thing? Could really be another issue that I don’t know related to RAM settings in Bios? I’m not really into electrical things. I’m trying to call the tech guy right now.

If it’s not that maybe I should format the workstation? I have so many things to installa gain that I would avoid this step…

Edit: Microsoft says that in the case of error NULL_CLASS_PTR_WRITE_C000005 the issue it’s usually related to a memory leak in the software code but you know their help it’s so generic…

Edit2: I disabled the docp settings for the RAM from the BIOS but RC it’s still crashing

Can you share 1Ds view here?
20 px is quite big error, I suppose.
Also, using 150 targets in one project is not ideal.
Just to clarify, by: I tried all, do you mean CLI command through BAT file?

As it seems to work on another machine, it could be the HW issue. What is happening in the console view before the crash?

Yes, through BAT file.
I know that is not a great workflow but the place was full of very narrow and complex spaces, one of the most complex I did until now.

It is but it’s just in the photos that are not correctly aligned. When I align again the error disappear (if there is a match in the position).

In the console is the third step of the alignment process, so if I remember, the first loads all the images, the second it’s matching something and the third is align. So close to loading there is a time like 2400 sec and looks like the software is not responding because the time doesn’t go forward. Then it arrives to 29% and after few seconds there is the crash.

On the notebook the process was the same, longer time of course, but without crashing.

I think the only thing I can try is to format the workstation…but I’m scared I waste my time with no results

About the error, there are probably even bigger differences in some target, but how can I check one by one 3800 photos?
Also there are some case where the control point it’s exactly in the center of the target but look like for RC the coordinates are different and the software says the position it’s wrong of a certain amount of pixels.

Are the images captured using just one camera? Have you used Group calibration tool after image import?

You see the errors showed in 1Ds view, so you don’t need to check each image.

How are you placing the control point over images? Manually?

So, the notebook alignment was successful?

Yes, just one camera with a wide lens.
No, I don’t know about this tool. Moving from Metashape to RC wasn’t so intuitive for me so I don’t know yet all the tools.

Yes I’m placing the control points manually on the physical targets placed in the site and adding others when the real targets are not enough.

Yes, successful on the notebook. I mean there were still problems with the alignment but without any crash or issue.

What do you suggest before I format the computer? (That it’s like to dig my own grave because of all the things I have to install… :sweat_smile:)

Hard to say, as according to your description you tried everything.

I would start from the scratch (you can use images measurement, so you don’t need to place control points manually) again.
You can also try to use like component workflow using only the images, which are from the same room, hall, create more projects and then to try merge those components together.
You can try import the alignment from older machine and try to realign.
As you are using wide lens, you can try to set Camera model to Division (this can be find under prior lens distortion).
How wide lens have you used? We recommend to use lenses not bellow 20 mm.

Thanks, I will try this as last option before to format.

Could you be a little bit more specific about this step? What do you mean?

I will try to split the spaces in projects but will be complicated (I will share a screenshot so you understand the space).

For the lens, I used a zoom lens, I had no choice. Was very dusty and I couldn’t switch everytime. I used 19 and 20mm for the 90% of the photos. The others are 18mm.

Quick update: I did some other test, following what we said before but nothing, keep crashing.
So before to format I tried to test the file in Safe Mode and on a Virtual Machine, to be sure the issue was not hardware related.
In safe mode the result was the same: crash.
On the virtual machine, finally, works.

So, I guess, the problem is something related to the OS, drivers or some other application that has generated a conflict with RC.

I will format the workstation tomorrow and I hope to solve the issue.