Cant figure out what causes the error.
Hello slardarrr,
I’d be happy to help you with this issue. It seems like there may be some compilation errors in your code, due to those messages about undeclared identifiers and such starting around line 6 of the messages listed in this picture. Could you post the entire output log? You can find it in the project’s directory under Saved/Logs.
Also, could you look through it using the find function (ctrl+F) and search for “Error”? It should take you to most of the spots with errors. You may be able to find out some more information about what may be wrong with the code.
Here check this
link text
Though it is compiling successfully, it is just the build dont work.
Unfortunately, while the compile does complete, it seems UBT is having issues compiling the project when you go to package. You’ll need to take a look at these lines of code and look into fixing the errors.
UnrealBuildTool: D:\Unreal Projects\Seizmore_Fin\Source\Capstone_2\BaseCharacter.cpp(56): error C2039: ‘PostEditChangeProperty’: is not a member of ‘ABaseCharacter’
UnrealBuildTool: d:\unreal projects\seizmore_fin\source\capstone_2\BaseCharacter.h(9): note: see declaration of ‘ABaseCharacter’
UnrealBuildTool: D:\Unreal Projects\Seizmore_Fin\Source\Capstone_2\BaseCharacter.cpp(58): error C2065: ‘isDead’: undeclared identifier
UnrealBuildTool: D:\Unreal Projects\Seizmore_Fin\Source\Capstone_2\BaseCharacter.cpp(59): error C2065: ‘Health’: undeclared identifier
UnrealBuildTool: D:\Unreal Projects\Seizmore_Fin\Source\Capstone_2\BaseCharacter.cpp(61): error C2653: ‘Super’: is not a class or namespace name
UnrealBuildTool: D:\Unreal Projects\Seizmore_Fin\Source\Capstone_2\BaseCharacter.cpp(63): error C3861: ‘CalculateDead’: identifier not found
Edit: If you can’t find the problems, I’ll be happy to look at the code for you if you can provide it. If you do however, please include the entire files, as context is important. Singular lines or functions would be too vague to someone who isn’t familiar with the project.
Okay thanks i’ll check it. You mean the whole project? coz it’s almost 5 gig, its a finished project
Okay i think the problem is the naming, though i fix it already, rebuild successfully the .sln; I got one more error when i compile my c++ classes
Just the source files or even just the BaseCharacter.cpp and .h, as these errors appear only reference those.
here’s the source folder, could we just chat via fb just to make it quick?
link text
So building in Visual Studio was successful, but attempting to compile from inside of the editor fails? What Build Configuration are you building for in Visual Studio?
Yes exactly, ahm development build?
Hey man, i tried all but still same error from my base character. Everything looks fine, no errors from rebuilding via vs.
Okay solved it already, i just forgot to put #if #end WITH_EDITOR, God. Btw thanks i appreciated your help.
Of course, any time. I’m glad to hear you’ve solved the issue.