Hi guys,
I’m trying to pass to a class that extends UButton a TSubclassOf UPROPERTY that points to a BP class. I then use this UPROPERTY to construct an instance through NewObject.
The problem I am having right now is that for some reason, at runtime the TSubclassOf is NULL and I don’t understand why. I guess it’s something really simple specific to UE4.
Could you have a look and let me know if you spot what I am doing wrong?
This is the (base) class of the classes that should be referenced by TSubclassOf.
// BBEvent.h
class UBBEvent;
class ABBHUD;
DECLARE_EVENT_OneParam(UBBEvent, FBBEvent, UBBEvent *)
UCLASS(Blueprintable, BlueprintType, DefaultToInstanced)
class SALTLAKECITY_API UBBEvent : public UObject
This is the class that contains the UPROPERTY.
class UBBEvent;
class SALTLAKECITY_API UBBButton : public UButton
UBBButton(const FObjectInitializer & ObjectInitializer);
virtual void PostInitProperties() override;
UPROPERTY(Category = "Event Handler", BlueprintReadWrite, EditAnywhere, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
TSubclassOf<UBBEvent> EventHandlerTemplate;
UBBEvent * EventHandler;
This is how I try to use the UPROPERTY:
// BBButton.cpp
void UBBButton::PostInitProperties()
if (EventHandlerTemplate)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("EventHandlerTemplate is not NULL"));
EventHandler = NewObject<UBBEvent>(this, EventHandlerTemplate);
OnClicked.AddDynamic(this, &UBBButton::NotifyEventHandler);