UProperty drop down selection (Is it possible?)

Hello, in order to explain my question I have to give an example;

What I want to do is create a property of “Type” which when edited in blueprint or details is edited by a drop down menu of choices rather than manual input. Is this possible? If so, how could I construct it? I am creating an “Interactable Object” which changes it’s interaction functionality based on it’s type, examples are: Destructing, moving, opening etc…

I know that for more specific functionality I’d need to handle the interactions via a child class but that’s not what I’m trying to do.

Many thanks.

You could make an enum and let the objects have some sort of AI behavior and based on the type do specific functionality. If you tag the enum properly in c++ it should show in the editor with dropdown.

Thanks, I created an enum as suggested and used it as so:

namespace EInteractableTypes {
	enum Type {
		IO_DESTRUCT				UMETA(DisplayName = "Destructing"),
		IO_MOVE					UMETA(DisplayName = "Moving"),
		IO_OPEN					UMETA(DisplayName = "Opening")

/** The type of object the interactable is */
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "INTERACTABLE")
	TEnumAsByte<EInteractableTypes::Type> InteractableType;

Thank you for the help.

If it worked mark as answered :slight_smile:

My apologies, I thought I had.